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发布时间:2024/6/15   阅读:1980 次

近日,我院骆长琴老师研究成果被公司金融领域国际顶尖期刊Journal of Corporate Finance收录至2024年第87卷,论文题目为“Law and borders: Entrepreneurs’ immigration status and trade credit”,骆长琴(Changqin Luo)为第一作者,论文合作者为英国巴斯大学(University of Bath)孙汉文(Hanwen Sun)教授、中南财经政法大学杨国超(Guochao Yang)教授、香港中文大学张博辉(Bohui Zhang)教授。Journal of Corporate Finance是公司金融领域的权威学术期刊之一,是SSCI收录JCR一区和ABS四星期刊,国内众多财经类高校公认的A类学术期刊,最新公布的影响因子为6.1,旨在发表公司金融、公司治理等领域的高质量理论与实证论文。这也是我院教师首次在该级别的财务类国际高水平期刊上发表研究成果。

ABSTRACT:We examine whether the immigration status of entrepreneurs is a concern for creditors when extending trade credit. Utilizing the disclosure of overseas residence rights of controlling shareholders in China, we show that overseas residence rights negatively affect firms’ ability to obtain trade credit. This negative association is attenuated if the overseas jurisdiction has an extradition treaty with China. Our results are robust to the introduction of the Hong Kong national security law as a source of exogenous variation in the boundary of domestic law. The decrease in trade credit provision is more pronounced in firms that are perceived as less trustworthy (i.e., with less social trust or higher expropriation risk). Our results offer new insights into how the reach of law across borders can affect firms’ financing activities.



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